New York – an Instagram Diary: Part 1
A weekend trip to New York? Sure, but from Germany? That sounds stupid, doesn’t it? However, if you get flights for 150 Euros, it suddenly seems a pretty good deal, right? I thought so too. That’s why in March 2013 I made my way to the city that Sinatra once sang about. Or Jay-Z rapped about. Or Adam Yauch or ODB or… Before I bore you to death with must-sees, I’m rather going to show you a few impressions. Curtains up!
In former times, all you needed to advertise the shop next door was a bucket of paint and a few brushes. You can still find some relicts throughout New York, if you keep your eyes open.
Whoever travels to the U.S. for the first time will recognize one thing immediately: national pride everywhere. Car dealer-ships with dozens of flags in front of the entrance, Stars and Stripes on house fronts or eagles on garage doors. Just like here in this photo from Brooklyn. Americans are just so damn proud of it. Imagine that kind of national pride to happen in Germany…
I know of no place that is so full of street art like Brooklyn. Sneakers hanging on power lines, space invader everywhere. The whole borough is one big museum.
Yes, they even have street art that is useful. Just like mini doors for cats, for example.
Brooklyn is so hip; if you want to be part of it, forget Urban Outfitters. Take the weirdest stuff your wardrobe has to offer and go for it. And if someone should start talking to you on the street, just tell him that you have a fashion label or a band or something.
Oh yes, the streets of Manhattan. Even at your very first visit, they will somehow give you the feeling to know the city already. You know why? Because we all once wandered through 5th Avenue with Macaulay Culkin, walked through Greenwich Village with Woody Allen, escorted Meg Ryan home or climbed up a ladder into a house with a rose between our teeth. No, that was in L.A., right?
Gather everything that’s truly American in one place and you’ll have Times Square. Although you might know this place from television, when you are finally there, it will totally blow your mind. You’ll wonder what the hell is actually going on at this place. Because it’s so neon-colored, so booming and so full of freaks.
Want to see more of NYC? Also check out my New York Instagram diary Part 2 and Part 3. Fore more photos follow me on Instagram.
AHHH! Wo gibt’s denn Flüge nach New York für 150 Euro?
Hi Frau Haselmayer! Bei Alitalia. Genau gesagt Alitalia Japan. Und eigentlich hat er auch nur gut 50 Euro gekostet. Ach längere Geschichte, sollte ich eigentlich auch mal darüber schreiben.
Ohja da bitte ich darum! 🙂
Ok dann gibt es bald ein Einführungsartikel ins Flügeabstauben 😉
Also der Preis ist Wahnsinn! Momentan sind die Preise richtig hoch, obwohl shut down ist. Wir möchten im Dezember ein paar Tage nach NYC bevor es nach Mexiko geht. Viele Grüsse 😉
Ja, das kann gut sein. Vor allem in der Vorweihnachtszeit ist es schwer, einen günstigen Flug nach NY zu bekommen.
Deine Schreibe gefällt mir gut. Mach weiter so!
Vielleicht haben die Sneaker an den Stromleitungen ja das gleiche zu bedeuten, wie die Teddybären in LA: Drogen… Ich hoffe es mal nicht! Schön, dass du über Brooklyn geschrieben hast, da war ich damals bei meinem NYC Trip nicht gewesen.
VG Anna
Hahah, das könnte natürlich auch sei, Anna! Hab das mittlerweile aber auch schon in Hamburg und Berlin gesehen mit den Sneakern auf Stromleitungen. Ist wohl einfach Sneakart oder so. Liebe Grüße zurück!